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How to create a Chatbot without coding and deploy it in your website.


What to remember when building a chatbot?

Nowadays, you can build a chatbot easily, there are some things you should remember while creating one. Here are mentioned a few major of them.

  • Create a customer friendly bot: Always remember that your bot must be user friendly. You should try and make your bot as simple and straightforward as possible. Create an interactive bot that your customers will be able to connect to without any difficulty. Make it more the chatbot more humanising.
  • Frequently improve the chatbot: You should regularly tweak the conversational flow of your chatbot to ensure customers are engaging with it. Chatbots that talk like humans are more likely to be appreciated by users. To improve your bot further, you ask for user’s feedback.
  • One chatbot for one purpose: You should dedicate a certain function to a chatbot. For example, an inquiry bot shouldn’t be used to sell products to customers. Have functionality in mind while creating a chatbot. With Appy Pie’s Chatbot Builder, you can create multiple chatbots for different purposes.
  • Give the chatbot a unique name: As a business, you can’t let your chatbot get lost in the growing chatbot crowd. More and more companies are implementing chatbots, and if yours does not have a unique name, it will not be remembered. Giving your chatbot a unique name will ensure that your customers can search for it easily.
  • Unveil one feature at a time: Don’t overwhelm your customers with too many features at once. You need to perfect each of your chatbot’s features to ensure there won’t be any issues. For maximum efficiency, you should unravel one feature at a time.
  • Data gathering specifications: Chatbots are a valuable data gathering tool. You should plan ahead about the data you’d like to gather from your audience and tailor your chatbot’s conversation flow accordingly.
  • Take user feedback: At the end of a conversation, request your user to leave feedback related to your bot. Always try to get user feedback as this can help you improve your bot flow.

How to create a Chatbot with Appy Pie’s Chatbot builder

Here is a step-by-step guide of how you can create a chatbot with Appy Pie’s Chatbot builder:

Step 1: Go to Appy Pie’s Chatbot Builder webpage and click on the “Get Started” button.

Step 2: Enter the name that you want to give to your chatbot. You should give your chatbot a snappy human name. Humanizing your chatbot is a good way to make it more user-friendly.

Step 3: Select the type of chatbot you want to create. Appy Pie Chatbot currently offers 12 different types of chatbots including inquiry, appointment, recruitment, health insurance, loan application, and many more. Here, Appy Pie will show you how to create a health insurance chatbot

Step 4: You must then log in to your Appy Pie account. If you don’t have an account, it is the right time to sign up!

Step 5: Once you log in to Appy Pie Chatbot, you can check out Appy Pie’s tour to help you understand the process.

Step 6: Choose the design and specifications for your chatbot:

Step 6.1: Choose the header name.

Step 6.2: Choose the widget badge style.

Step 6.3: Choose the theme color.

Step 6.4: Choose the chatbot avatar.

Step 7: Go to advanced settings to choose design specifications for your chatbot.

Step 8: You can check out the preview for the chatbot on the right side of the screen.

Step 9: Once you choose the design specifications t, click on the “Save and Next” button.

Step 10: Create the bot flow of your chatbot. The bot flow of your chatbot is the conversational flow that your chatbot will follow when talking to a customer. The bot flow must be simple or complex as you want. Depending on the type of bot you want to create, your bot flow will differ.

Step 11: Once you have selected the bot flow for your chatbot, click on the “Save and Next” button.

Step 12: Let the software ready your chatbot. Once your chatbot is ready, you will be shown a code snippet. You can paste this code snippet in the HTML (In <body> tag) of the website pages where you need your chatbot to work.

Step 13: Below the code snippet, you will see a ‘Verify Installation’ CTA. Click on it and enter your website URL.

Congratulations, your chatbot is ready to go live!


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