Step 1: Go to google and search for Step 2: Create a simple form using HTML. Step 3: Add your email id where you want form data & add this link in…
1. CSS Peeper: No more digging in a code. Inspect style in a simple, well-organized & beautiful way. 2. Font Ninja: Identify fonts from any website. I use Chrome inspect tool to find…
GETTING STARTED WITH NODE JS Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform runtime environment for developing server-side and networking applications. Node.js applications are written in JavaScript and can be run within the Node.js runtime…
VGG16: VGG16 is a convolutional neural network trained on a subset of the ImageNet dataset, a collection of over 14 million images belonging to 22,000 categories. K. Simonyan and A. Zisserman proposed this model in…
WAYS TO INVEST YOUR MONEY: 1. Individual stocks 2. Index funds 3. Mutual funds 4. Gold / Silver 5. REITS 6. Bonds 7. Real Estate 8. Crypto currency 9. Collectible cards 8. NFT’s…
Digit Recognizer (using ANN) Steps to be followed: 1. Gather the data (MINST dataset) 2. Normalize the dataset 3. Neural network architecture 4. Compile the model 5. Fit the model (Train the model)…
BASICS: Including JavaScript in an HTML page <script type = “text/javascript>js code here </script> Call an External JavaScript File <script src=”myscript.js”></script> Including comments //simngle line comoments /*multi line comments*/ VARIABLES: (var,const,let) var…
GETTING STARTED WITH EXPRESS.JS What is Express.js? Express.js is a backend framework designed to develop complete web applications and api’s. Installing Express.js Express.js gets installed via…
What is Transfer Learning? Transfer learning, is a research problem in machine learning that focuses on storing knowledge gained while solving one problem and applying it to a different but related problem. Why…
Invest in STOCKS / ETF’s: 1. Zerodha (Demat account): 2. Smallcase (Prebulid baskets of stocks): 3. Vested (For investing in US markets) 4. Webull (for investing in US markets) Invest in MUTUAL FUNDS: 1….