My Brain Cells

Easiest (and best) learning materials for anyone with a curiosity for machine learning and artificial intelligence, Deep learning, Programming, and other fun life hacks.

49 Powerful Study Tips

  • Use relationship diagrams
  • Try a brain dump
  • Team up with others
  • Test yourself
  • Put your phone on silent
  • Create a productive routine
  • Switch off social media
  • Start revising early
  • Immerse yourself
  • Zoom and check
  • Change your study space
  • Join a study group
  • Snack on brain food
  • Use acronyms
  • Treat university like it’s your job
  • Exercise daily
  • Use diagrams
  • Write out a task list
  • Make connections
  • Consider finding a tutor
  • Study in chunks
  • Practice meditation
  • Use background noise
  • Ask ‘why?’
  • Find your most productive time
  • Study every day
  • Use past papers
  • Swap topics regularly
  • Study to learn, not for the exam
  • Watch motivational videos
  • Set goals
  • Make sure you’re actually studying
  • Always be improving
  • Watch more YouTube
  • Stick post-it notes everywhere
  • Eat a small meal before you study
  • Get enough sleep
  • Drink more water
  • Learn model answers
  • Go out and get fresh air
  • Actively review your material
  • Use color
  • Reward yourself
  • Attend lectures
  • Try spaced repetition
  • Teach it
  • Practice as you go
  • Look after yourself


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